
#DontReturntoNormal Part 3: Do

Part 3 - DO

This is the final post in a three-part series asking, “How are you living in ‘active hope’ during these tumultuous times? What do you need to create a more perfect life for yourself? To, perhaps, co-create a healthier world?”

“Active hope” is drawn from this quote from Joanna Macy & Chris Johnstone’s Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We’re in Without Going Crazy.

“Since Active Hope doesn’t require our optimism, we can apply it even in areas where we feel hopeless. The guiding impetus is intention; we choose what we aim to bring about, act for, or express. Rather than weighing our chances and proceeding only when we feel hopeful, we focus on our intention and let it be our guide.”

In part one and part two of this series, we stepped through and illustrated the first two stages of one way to move from imagining your life dream to living it.


What matters most to you?

1. Claim your passion in that vision

What’s your passion? Where is it most alive in this vision?

2. Identify your place in that dream

What is critical to you in that vision? What are the most sumptuous next steps toward your vision?

3. Take stock of your resources

What you do need to realize your vision based on your current circumstances? What finances or forms of supports, including investments in yourself?


How might you best step into your dream?

4. Look at the big picture

In what context does your vision sit? Based on that, what modifications might be needed for now?

5. Inventory your strengths

What brings you joy? What do other people consistently appreciate about you?

6. Assess your growing edges

To achieve your dream, what more do you need, if anything? What more is asked of you?

Today, we move on to the DO stage of implementing.


7. Take “safe to fail” steps

What is one small step you can take to move forward? What’s the next? And the next?

“Safe to fail” steps have acceptable risk and consequences. They stretch us unlike “play-not-to-lose” choices which, based in fear, stifle action.

Some “safe to fail” scenarios for me include renting an RV before purchasing one, creating my own website in phases rather than paying the consultant $10,000, or volunteering with the local mutual aid project to serve during this difficult time.

8. Sustain forward motion

How can you track your progress? What strengths can minimize anticipated obstacles or threats? Who can you ask for support?

As we prepare to semi-retire, my life partner and I are seeking guidance from a financial planner who specializes in retirement. My project plan includes actionable items and milestones for reflection to see if course-corrections are needed. I meet monthly with two groups who help me make peace with and benefit from my fears.

9. Celebrate a life of meaning

How can you celebrate in a way that best encourages you? Which milestones most deserve celebration?

A complete chain of events, includes dreaming, discerning, initiative, follow-through, completion, and celebration. Exercising all of those components is important to being fulfilled. Some people move from completion to the next project, bypassing celebration. That sets the stage for burn-out.

Knowing that, I celebrate key milestones achieved. Examples include fun get-togethers with friends (even via Zoom during COVID-19); dinner at a new or favorite restaurant; the gift of a learning opportunity; and travel, especially including natural places.


So, what are your “safe to fail” actions? How will you sustain momentum? What will you celebrate and how?

This Dream, Discern, Do cycle is just common sense. I hope it helps you sustain “active hope,” even in tumultuous times. I hope it helps you move your dream from imagination to living it.

Your best life needs you! The world needs you!

To celebrate, here’s a fun video about living one’s dream!