Communities of Practice
Nurture your best self and highest vision in a small group coaching experience
Sessions are on-line | Entry as seats allow
Encore Careerists
Sustain yourself with work you love as you prepare for retirement or semi-retirement
Guided exercises to focus on your passions, vision, values, wellness, and leisure activities
Offer and receive support and accountability to live meaningfully
Small group experience (4-6 people)
Six 60 minute sessions
Mental Health Professionals
Nurture your self and your practice with other licensed clinicians
Guided mindfulness or focusing is practiced
Rotate focus on one client case each session
Confidentiality is observed
Small group experience (4-6 people)
Six 60 minute sessions
Clergy and Lay Ministers
Co-create faith community in which you can rest and be nurtured
Check-ins and shared reflection
Rotate focus on one member's experience of the Holy each session
Multi-faith participation
Small group experience (4-6 people)
Six 60 minute sessions